Driven. Creative. Strategic. Focused.

Driven. Creative. Strategic. Focused.

Foreign Agent Registration

Ford O’Brien Landy LLP advises, and represents clients who are facing issues related to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”). At a time when the FARA risk environment is particularly challenging, and the breadth of the FARA statute is far from clear, the importance of strategic, and effective FARA legal counsel cannot be overstated. The attorneys at Ford O’Brien Landy LLP have extensive experience in these, and other regulatory matters. We guide clients in ensuring registration compliance, as well as developing effective defense strategies.

Our team offers the distinctive benefit of having legal experience informed by prior government enforcement responsibility. We also have a long record of success in white collar defense counsel, and representation. If you have questions, or concerns about possible civil, or criminal exposure regarding foreign agents registration, we encourage you to contact Ford O’Brien Landy LLP as soon as possible. With offices in New York City, Miami, and Austin, our law firm represents clients throughout the United States, and worldwide.

Skilled Guidance Through FARA Requirements

If you, or your organization has received a Letter of Inquiry from the FARA Unit, you may have an obligation to register as a foreign agent. The FARA attorneys at Ford O’Brien Landy LLP can review the letter, assess your specific circumstances, and advise on the best course of action for protecting your interests.